Monday, June 30, 2008

Kristal Summers Gratis


The bedroom has become one of the areas most "private" and more "intimate" of human life. Like most bodily functions, also the "sleep" is something that has been relegated increasingly to the backroom of social intercourse. The nuclear family is the last socially sanctioned legitimate enclave has remained of these functions, as has happened with many other social functions. Visible and invisible walls rob the eyes of other human beings the most "private", more "intimate" of the other, that is, the irrepressibly "animal" in them. In medieval society this role has not yet been privatized so or had been excluded from social life. The normal thing was to receive visits in the rooms where there were beds and bedding, in turn, by type, were na social function display.
The sale advantages of sleeping naked
Many people object. Many enjoy it in its place put the arguments for y los pretextos que ponen los que no se atreven.
Los hombres que duermen desnudos tienen mayor cantidad de esperma que aquellos que visten ropa interior ajustada o duermen bajo mantas eléctricas.
La fertilidad masculina ha decaído en los países occidentales en los recientes años. La baja en la fertilidad ha sido asociada con diversos factores, incluyendo la temperatura en los testículos y factores ambientales, de acuerdo con el informe.
El consumo de alcohol y tabaco también afectaron la cantidad, la flexibilidad y el desempeño del esperma. la fertilidad podría verse afectada por la influencia de químicos y sustancias como el plomo y el mercurio.

Comfort and health.
is more comfortable and healthy. If you increase your level of comfort you rest more. Your body regenerates degenerated better. Sex
. If you sleep with someone increases the level of intimacy and chance have more frequent sex. Also feel more closeness.
Work and Lifestyle. If you felt tired even though you have enough sleep, sleep in the nude can make your hours of sleep are of better quality, deeper sleep and repairers
As you relax more, before you enter a phase of sleep deep and so can reduce the number of hours you sleep.
Then of course, puts you a few reasons to prevent this:
"If your partner does not like.
-Si is very cold at night, can cause the blood not circulating well.
"If you live with roommates, it is not

But for the boxers, I read that not too tight or too loose either. First, because you know that the testicles need a certain temperature, so are outside the body, if you wear tight boxer, you make your temperature cambie y podría perjudicar la producción de espermatozoides, o su calidad.
En el segundo caso (muy holgados), es perjudicial dependiendo de la actividad que tengas, no son recomendables si tienes que estar saltando o haciendo algún deporte. Eso podría primero, dolerte, jeje, y segundo causarte alguna lesión.


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