Wednesday, June 25, 2008

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Sexual Value System

But despite all these factors that determine sexuality, born biologically male or female so distinct. But from the point of view sexogenital, our sexual response has many similarities and some differences.
From this we will in this class, Human Sexual Response.
Sexual Response: Named to experience psychological and physiological sexual arousal, using a sustained-, women may experience and the man who has completed a bio-psychological development.
organic response to sexual arousal is characterized by its effect of "vasocongestion", ie the body's blood flows to the surface, filling the body noticeably in man penis, clitoris and vagina in women .
The stages of sexual response, are, for men and women: desire, arousal, plateau, orgasm and resolution. May happen all or only to a point in the process, each individual situation and each occasion the person and the family.

These phases differ in their physiological response in man and woman, based on the organic difference between the sexes, and are deeply determined by psychosocial factors, constitutive also of sexuality.
To speak of sexual response, you must have some basic knowledge of genital morphology of Man


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