Sunday, June 29, 2008

Caught Wearing Mom Girdle

flaccid erect penis

L a circumference of the penis is not the same all over the penis. Is usually higher at the base and is slightly reduced as it reaches the glans. Many sites penis enlargement advised to make these measurements at the center of the penis, however the most correct measure is the maximum, since it is this which allows the maximum dilation of the vagina during penetration. In most cases, the maximum circumference is at the base of the penis.

If you have this shape so it measured in this region. If not, measure just at the point of maximum circumference. The circumference of the penis measured with a meter tape.
These are the steps to follow:
1. You can measure the circumference being both standing and sitting, although some argue it is more comfortable standing.
2. Measure at the point of maximum circumference, use a nail or a marker for passwords where the start point of the meter is attached to the corresponding measure.
3. Enter the result. Maybe it measured more than once to ensure that the result is as accurate as possible.


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