Sunday, June 29, 2008

How To Make Fondant From Cake Boss


L Point of man.
Discover new pleasure points, thanks to the point L!
How to increase the intensity of orgasms orgasm
round, warm, intense Learn to use the point L to get the most out
Mastering the point L both intercourse and in the preliminaries! Knowing the point L
male use it, enjoy it
Let us note that the point L is a name "commercial." Contrary to the G female male point L is not a specific sexual part but is just a new name given to the outside of the pubococcygeus muscle, especially erogenous zone that can be stimulated both externally and internally.
Point L is located between the bottom of the testicles and anus.

point L can be stimulated in several ways:
* In the oral sex.
* via masturbation.
* In intercourse, ie having sex altogether.
Of all these points the first two are the most accessible for everybody and easier to perform, while the third requiere cierto entrenamiento de parte de ambos sexos. Nuestro programa incluye técnicas para hacer posible la estimulación del punto L masculino durante la penetración, y especialmente permitir orgasmos simultáneos también en el hombre. En efecto, el punto L tiene su propio orgasmo, que es distinto a lo que se obtiene a través de la estimulación del Pene.
Estimulación del punto L en el sexo oral
En el sexo oral, sólo hay que chupar el pene en su punta, en el orificio de la uretra de donde sale la orina y el esperma, como si eso fuera una pajita.
De esta forma se obtendrá un efecto de aspiración. For this purpose it is enough to suck rhythmically repeating the puffs in quick sequence. Sucking cock in this way can a man reach orgasm item L. But do not suck too hard, because that can cause irritation. A couple quite adept can toggle this stimulation with normal oral sex. Once a man reaches orgasm, the aspiration should continue also during ejaculation, while stimulating the frenulum and the sore spot on the glans penis with his tongue.

point stimulation by masturbating L
This is the technique easier. It is enough left masturbate or masturbate with the addition of pressure of the hand and thumb on the point L. Of course, with only finger pressure is difficult to reach orgasm item L and not always all men can reach it without preparation. But combining this technique with current masturbation can at least enhance the pleasure and diversify. Another variant is intruduce a finger in the man's anus while stimulating the prostate, penis and point L. However, only some of the heterosexual men tolerate and accept anal stimulation.



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