Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How To Make A Male Dog Erect

basketball LEONE VS CB CB


1 room:

2 Fourth: 17-9

3 Quarter: 14-12

4 Fourth:

34-9 Last game of the season in the league autonomic we played this past Sunday in Leon against one of the best teams in the category that inexplicably fell out of contention for the title.

The partic started badly for us, bad defense, bad offense, playing all the time precipitation first seek investment options without the ball and calling for patience from the sidelines with what has already put us very hard giving up the game 14 points in this period.

same vein in the second quarter but improved somewhat defensive but we kept our level jugandonoslo all in first choices without giving continuity to the attacks and in this quarter we gave up another 8 points.

The third quarter was the best for our part with a good full-court pressure to steal balls and tying in a hurry to get the ball, them to us too, and if that was seen a couple of times the desired continuity in the movement of the attacks, although still very low, although we lost our improvement this quarter but only by 2 points.

In the last quarter showed that we are one of the strongest teams in the competition in which a great effort on their part of closing minutes, they did not succeed but only by one point, we went totally above with a partial of 34-9.

commend the Lions for their good team play and our guys say that so far has come competition autonomica de esta temporada, nueva para casi todos nuestros chicos y animarles para continuar entrenando y mejorando para el año que viene volver a participar en esta competición.

Un saludo, Fran.


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