Saturday, May 14, 2011

High Very Soft Cervix Period

response to Mr Suñe

Resposta al Sr Suñe

Le respondo aquí que puedo añadir unas fotos. Las First are the signs of logging, where patients are seen who had absolutely nothing, and the last two a comparison with Google maps where you see where trees had before and not now, and as we have added the blue zone .

As Mr. Suñe no answer applies, which is said colloquially fugir d'students, applying the rule pertaining de reduction fallacy ad hominem.

remember the old example that put the teacher as an example of this type of reasoning was as follows.

a law firm to study the tactics of the defense of a criminal, seeing that he had no defense possible, and that the evidence was conclusive, the council attorneys passed him a note to the colleague in charge of the defense with the following: There is no defense, attack the plaintiff's attorney.

is what makes Mr. Suñe, as there is valid reasoning accuses me of demagogue.

punt in the newspaper the day 11/5/2010 Mr. Suñe stated that the trees were diseased, although possibly some if it was true it could pose a risk, but taking advantage of the exemption to apply the generalization, applying converse fallacy of accident. It further states that it is to make a blue zone, but at the top SPECIFICATIONS, to apply then at the bottom.

Because sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words expose some pictures to look as critically ill were the trees.

The issue is not to question the legitimacy of the government to cut down the trees, while not sharing decision. The issue is the argument concerned the question is the fallacy of begging the question, Mr Suñe applied depending on the context of interest.


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