Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hernia From Smoking Weed

We fell against La Rioja (Argentina) and Coquimbo (Chile) - Today Tarija is the team to beat! Road to Jujuy

Due to problems in the engine of the bus that transported us to Jujuy, Argentina, the trip took much longer than expected. They had predicted 30 hours of travel, but these were converted in 41 hours since we left on Saturday 07 at noon and arrive just in Jujuy at 7:30 am (5:30 am Peruvian time) on Monday May 9th. After settling in at the Grand Hotel Overview of the Belgrano street, and before getting to the rooms we had breakfast at the hotel. Within minutes of starting, a call warned us that we played at 9:30 am from La Rioja (Argentina), where, two hours after arriving in our journey of 41 hours.

We also reported in that call that bad luck in the series draw was made the day before and we did not have any representation as we were traveling (we were the last team to reach the competition venue), we had placed in series B, consisting so: Arequipa, La Rioja (Argentina), Tarija (Bolivia ), Coquimbo (Chile) and Tacna.

Professor José Laimito left the breakfast in half and went to make the accreditation, while the boys, hurry time is changed and enlisted to go to "play." There being no mobility available by the organization, we had to walk to the Coliseum "Trade 1" located 12 blocks from the hotel where we are.

The result was logical to La Rioja, slow reactions, deconcentration, fatigue was reflected in the long points of our team. It was so that Argentines had little trouble in closing the first two sets by 25-18 and 25-19.

In the third set was an "awakening" of our team, but not long enough for Partial win, we ended up losing 25 to 23. La Rioja is the fourth Argentine team who missed several years of restructuring its peak sporting bodies, so not had much information about its level, today showed he is for important things for the biotype and training of their athletes so allow.

conclusion of the match with La Rioja, had a quick lunch at 4:00 pm because we were playing again (yes, two games the same day we arrived) from Coquimbo, which resulted team ranked fourth in the final trasandino past. Lunch ended for us at 2:45 pm, change and wait for the bus that picked us up at 3:00 pm to take us to a theater other than the morning.

Upon arrival at the venue, was running previous match she beat La Rioja Tacna by 3x0. Heat and this time he was a better game than the morning (as was logical since at least the kids had eaten) we kept always to the point below 20, but the decentralized and the accumulated fatigue play again leaning in favor of rival the balance to his side. Coquimbo win by 25-21, 25-22 and 25-23. Second game we lost to Arequipa and away the chance to enter the top eight competition.

Today Tuesday, and having rested properly, we will face Tarija (Bolivia), a good team, very warlike, who lost to Coquimbo by 3x1. We have a close game and slide the possibility to add our first win in this competition. Afternoon rest and tomorrow will rival Tacna.

Definitely, this is not what we thought of as ideal trasandina participation, but we must be realistic and see that you can not play two official games competition to two hours to get a trip of more than 40 hours bus. On the other hand, the bad luck of being located in the B series of forced us to start playing on Monday 09, as the other series: A, C and D are just beginning to compete on Tuesday 10 and be composed only by four teams make ours the five as detailed above. And finally, keep in mind that whenever Arequipa is a respected team at Judejut, and therefore, "no one pays any favors" in these situations, we all know that.

Mourn about what happened is absurd. The team is aware of these things and stay focused on doing the best possible role. Looking for a good performance before pressed for victory. The victory in volleyball, always comes as a result of "doing well" and in that sense our kids are now clear, if fed and rested for the match acceptably with Tarija today and tomorrow to Tacna. Today, we will evaluate the performance of the group and hope to continue on an upward curve of production.

good thing also is that 75% of this equipment is for the trans-Andean Peru 2012, event that the team will have a new challenge, and more set, and hopefully with a greater volume of work. Hopefully the IPD can implement the annual work Trasandinos permanent, as do Chile, Bolivia and Argentina. Only planned work will allow us to go further each time.

Prof. Renzo Juarez Juarez
FIVB Coach Level III Instructor
National Collegiate Copev Peru Copev


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