Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tac-5 Recon's Manuel Paintball

Women with Natalia Malaga: "I want to win a medal in the World "

interview: Michael Carrion
"My hope, and I am sure that the girls too, is to win a medal this world. I know it will not be easy, but we are working hard to give this immense joy to all Peruvians. "

After the press conference ended, they talked about all the logistical and administrative level of the organization's World was important to know the impressions of who is leading this group of girls in all of Peru who puts all his confidence. We refer to Natalia Malaga, youth team coach, who surely told us of his greatest desire: to win a medal.

Beyond its contagious optimism, Natalia is also aware that the pressure of playing at home can affect your girls. With respect and she says not feel nervous or anything like that. "I like coach pressure does not bother me, but maybe the girls, children can injure, especially since we played in our country. Therefore I need a psychologist should support us in this regard. I have asked, but so far I'm still waiting, because I believe that professional work is 50% more than the work I'm doing. "
On the other hand, the popular "Doña Bárbara" when asked about how many games his team most needs to get tuned to his first game in the World, said: "This is not the number of games played, but the quality of the opposition to which we face. A strong run of friendlies in the end it can hurt, because the players could get very worn. The important thing is to have good planning, that's the key. "

Prof. Renzo Juarez Juarez FIVB Coach Instructor Level III National Collegiate Copev Peru Copev 1111


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