Monday, May 23, 2011

Free Knitting Pattern Papoose

Tournament Ciudad STA MARTA DE May 28 to 29

This coming weekend Tournament for city of Santa Marta playing several games spread over two days.
As we are 18 players on the team will make 2 teams, a team of 8 players A and a B team of 10 players.
Groups A and B, will on Friday in the train, as well as the confirmation of match times since in this tournament so great there is nothing fixed until late.
Please try to be all on the train on Friday because I will be of great help to organize and explain the weekend will completito.
Thanks, greetings.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Natuzzi Leather Cleaning Product Kit

Entrena DEL Lune 23 Suspended

coach Monday, 23 suspended.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

List Of All Yoshi Games

Analysis of participation in volleyball male Arequipa Judejut

After the participation of our selection in 2011 and Argentina Judejut coldly watching what happened, it is wise to perform the respective analysis is not to make excuses, but to correct and improve situations in the future.

Points to consider:

1. As reported in due course, the trip had the disadvantage of the bus, delaying 41 hours and a half to get to Jujuy (competition venue). Food during this period was not adequate. We arrived in Jujuy at 8 am Monday and had 09 games an hour later (9:00 am) against La Rioja (Argentina) and 3:00 pm from Coquimbo (Chile), who got the bronze medal.

2. 08 Sunday night was just the draw series (which is strange because normally the series are defined before the trip). In this drawing, there have been no representative of Arequipa, and formed three sets of 4 and a series of 5. The series of 4 started playing on Tuesday still 10, but our of 5 (Arequipa, Coquimbo, La Rioja, Tarija (Bolivia) and Tacna) began as early as Monday, with two games in the day.

3. As was logical, fatigue and lack sleep caused by the journey of 41 hours, significantly shrank the team's performance, losing two games on Monday and Coquimbo, La Rioja in three sets to love, some of the sets tight as shown by the forms of play.

4. Another notable deficiency was in the first game with La Rioja (ARG) is scheduled referees of Salta and Catamarca Argentina as the first and second judge. This is forbidden by rule but became equally.

5. The third game in Tarija (Bolivia), 3x1 and the fourth lost 26 to 24 September. Tarija, presented a very seasoned cast and physical benefits of size and strength on our own, but despite that was fought to the end result. The psychological factor was also influential in this meeting, as the team had just lost two games, making it impossible to rank among the top two in group quarters. This party, if he could have won, but the inexperienced team in defining moments caused errors (hence the tight fourth set).

6. The fourth and final qualifying match of the conference (our group was 5) was to Tacna, which bow down to 3x1 alternating entire workforce. We placed fourth in the group, which ruled us to play just for the posts from 13 to 16. Tacna was like 17 th in the tournament.

7. The rest is history, we play with Tarapacá (Chile) and Puno winning comfortably for 3x1 and 3x0, also alternating changes. This makes for the post 13 of 17 participants.

8. Despite the results, we continued to work with discipline, performing statistical analysis of every game and pre and post technical talks game. Also trained at all times available, including getting our own field because the organizers did not anticipate workouts for teams during the competition.

9. Summary: three games lost three wins. No. 13 and added 25 points for the victory of Arequipa in the overall count of the games.


1. We can not say that "if we had arrived in time we won the gold medal, especially since the level of the four teams Argentina (Catamarca, Salta, Jujuy and La Rioja) and Coquimbo (Chile) has improved in terms of biotype and technical work product of an annual continuing with which we have never had. These teams have pre and national teams on the payroll.

2. What I can say is that we would have liked to compete on equal terms with everyone. Rest as they rested and there if all measure ourselves. We knew our team was "investment" because of the 12 selected, only one (Luis Taco) had a previous trans-Andean, all others are new and there you could file an adjusted loss for the third match 3x1 to Tarija Bolivia. But the post 13 does not really reflect the level that showed the team, but either way, so are these competencies.

3. The team got better every game, as reflected by the statistical percentages of both complex 1 and complex 2. Remained focused and ongoing training and discipline was rigid, as it was anticipated before leaving the tournament. No discipline or behavior problem. A tightly knit group solidarity.

4. Until we have a planning and long-term, full employment annual talent search with biotype (what do those who are up in the final table), we can not aspire to the same as them. This group began working six days a week (which never did before) in mid-December (a month ahead of schedule by the IPD) we knew that the heterogeneity of the group was going to be visible and not wrong. All the first month had to be "academic" to standardize the basic technique at least. The group progressed well, but there is something you can not get training every day behind closed doors or with combined practice matches with local elders, and COMPETITIVE REAL EXPERIENCE.


1. Finally implement an annual program of preparation trasandina that can give the time necessary for learning and maturing sport athletes, given that the few links that activate in the men still lack competitive level and continuing competence.

2. Having secured a fund for the acquisition of material sport that allows a calm. As well as solve a quality pre-competitive period.

3. It's useless to prepare, if not complete this project giving the team the basic conditions to compete successfully (arrive early enough to headquarters to train and acclimatise to the new external conditions). Remember that this is a fledgling group, which does not have much resilience.

4. It is not making excuses for the result, as I said above. It is about recognizing that while our team does not yet have the qualities that allow us to think of a medal, Nor had equal conditions of competition for non-sporting issues. And also know that the experience gained by the 9 athletes for 2012 are going to give an important comparative advantage in this competition next year, where local and I'm sure we will make things different.


I can not finish this review without acknowledging the effort of each athlete: Gianfranco Fernandez, Gaston Zúñiga, Alberto Sanchez, Mauricio Portocarrero, Pool Pizarro, Luis Taco, Jonathan Santisteban Kevin Cortez, Jesus Flores, Gustavo Monzón, Patricio Vega and Rodrigo Rosas, rather than peers who have become brothers, shared sacrifice, laughter and sorrow. The group's strength is guaranteed. And also thank my assistant and statistician Joseph Laimito with whom we got the 4th place trasandino in 2008 and silver medal in the binational 2009. The IPD for trusting in this project and as far as possible and with the limitations of the case, try to do the best for the kids.

Finally, express the sentiment that has all the equipment now: "The medal still pending and we will work to get it "

Prof. Renzo
Juarez Juarez FIVB Coach Instructor Level III National Collegiate Copev Peru Copev 1111

Monsterfrige For Sale

Last Change LOS Entrena

Starting this Friday, including this week and until the end of the course also will train at 20:15 to 21:30 in Hall of Fronton, which the coaches are as follows:

Monday: 20:15 to 21:30 FRONTON
WEDNESDAY: 20:15 to 21:30 FRONTON

PAVILION FRIDAY: 20:15 to 21:30

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How To Make A Male Dog Erect

basketball LEONE VS CB CB


1 room:

2 Fourth: 17-9

3 Quarter: 14-12

4 Fourth:

34-9 Last game of the season in the league autonomic we played this past Sunday in Leon against one of the best teams in the category that inexplicably fell out of contention for the title.

The partic started badly for us, bad defense, bad offense, playing all the time precipitation first seek investment options without the ball and calling for patience from the sidelines with what has already put us very hard giving up the game 14 points in this period.

same vein in the second quarter but improved somewhat defensive but we kept our level jugandonoslo all in first choices without giving continuity to the attacks and in this quarter we gave up another 8 points.

The third quarter was the best for our part with a good full-court pressure to steal balls and tying in a hurry to get the ball, them to us too, and if that was seen a couple of times the desired continuity in the movement of the attacks, although still very low, although we lost our improvement this quarter but only by 2 points.

In the last quarter showed that we are one of the strongest teams in the competition in which a great effort on their part of closing minutes, they did not succeed but only by one point, we went totally above with a partial of 34-9.

commend the Lions for their good team play and our guys say that so far has come competition autonomica de esta temporada, nueva para casi todos nuestros chicos y animarles para continuar entrenando y mejorando para el año que viene volver a participar en esta competición.

Un saludo, Fran.

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1 Cuarto:

2 Cuarto:

3 Cuarto: 16-17

4 Cuarto: 23-6

Buen partido el jugado por nuestros chicos contra un rival flojito eso si y en un partido en el que teníamos que haber hecho muchas más cosas de las que hicimos pero en líneas generales fue buen partido.

Ya en el primer We started with quarter lead on the scoreboard but not all that we had planned to take more aggressive track the quintet for our full-court pressure from which we draw many points but not all want, we get 7 points ahead in this room .

In the second quarter went up our defensive intensity and pressure both in the defense at 6.25 which led us to fit only 4 points in this room to get a +20 to rest.

In the third quarter we got into the dynamics of running and running the opposing team to fall in a continuous exchange of baskets that led us to lose this quarter by a point.

The last quarter was very complete counterattacks were structured, fast, organized defense back and a good forward pressure, coupled with a fluid static game when there was no chance to run that led us to put a part of that 23-6 final score dejava a +36 advantage for us.

congratulate the guys for the win and the game made even remind you as I said at first that we should have done more things in this game, you have to keep training hard and in this final stretch of the season.

Bottemless Party Clip

Philippians IES Torrente Ballester (SECTOR)

PHILIPPIANS IES Torrente Ballester 78-56

1 room: 14-19

2 Bathroom: 22-3

3 Quarter: 22-20

4 Fourth: 20-14

we began our work in the area of \u200b\u200bCastilla y León Championship Game School with one of the most anticipated games for us all season.

The game started very expensive for us with a fantastic first quarter we let up on the score by 5 points at the end of this first period.

In the second quarter turned around the tables so that was what decided the match, inexplicably began to lose tontísimos balls, making bad shot selection and not make good choice of pass that we could not fix with time ask dead, too much nervousness and uncertainty that killed the game leaving a partial quarter of a 22-3 team for Palencia.

In the third quarter hit a good arreón the two teams with a constant exchange of baskets that led to a partial set that also lost 22-20.

In the last quarter we had to leave everything and we did, there was nothing to lose and ventured, nothing went well and we gave up another 6 points in this room.

lost the game marked by a disappointing 2 nd quarter played by our team and we were knocked out at the first opportunity in this competition.

It was a great EXPERIENCE for the kids, new to them go to another city on Friday in a hotel to sleep there and play the next day. Congratulate the guys for the excellent performance in both the return bus and the hotel where we stayed.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Best Brazilian Montreal

We continue with the answers to Mr Suñe

Este es el grado de preocupación por los arboles del Sr. Suñe. Lease calle Sant Miquel

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Do You Get Period Pains When You're Pregnant?

AREQUIPA 2011 2011 CHAMPION Trasandina Tarapacá

concluded its formal powers and carrying out the respective counts, the delegation of Arequipa won the overall championship XII Youth Sport Games Trasandina 2011 JUDEJUT held in Argentina. The top three were:

1. Arequipa - Champion
2. Tarapacá
3. Salta

Thus, our city back on top questionably lost in the 2010 edition, tightening the crown again in the just monarch Andes.

FIVB Prof. Renzo Juarez Juarez Coach Level III Instructor Copev Peru National Collegiate Copev 1111

Building A Pontoon Out Of Drums

Arequipa and Puno beats and adding just 25 points for 13th overall Arequipa Arequipa

Thursday The day was very positive for our team men's volleyball trasandina, as we two separate wins against our peers of Tarapaca - Chile (3x1) and Puno (3x0). The team continued upward trend, increasing productivity in both defense and attack.

This time, all our guys had a chance to switch on the game. Kevin was the case with Cortez, Gaston Monzon and Gustavo Zuniga, who took part in contributing positively to team play and allowing Subject to some friends for the second match of the day. Was also improvement in the level shown by Mauricio Portocarrero who put 24 of the fourth set point with a powerful shot from position four.
The second match of the day to Puno, marked the consecration of the level reached by the team, with substantial evidence rival claims stoned on three straight sets at all times and dominating the scoreboard. Gianfranco Fernandez stressed this time, Rose and Captain Rodrigo Alberto Sanchez, who raised their rates significantly in the attack efficiency.

With three consecutive victories, Arequipa is located at position 13 of the tournament, followed by Puno, Arica, Tarapacá and Tacna. Undoubtedly, this position contrasts sharply with the team's initial expectations, but by external circumstances detailed in previous publications things made themselves that way. Having to play two games in a row the same day and after the trip of 41 hours by bus without adequate food significantly affected the chances of selection, which in itself was in physical disadvantage against most rivals participants.

Prof. Renzo Juarez Juarez FIVB Coach Instructor Level III National Collegiate Copev Peru Copev 1111

Saturday, May 14, 2011

High Very Soft Cervix Period

response to Mr Suñe

Resposta al Sr Suñe

Le respondo aquí que puedo añadir unas fotos. Las First are the signs of logging, where patients are seen who had absolutely nothing, and the last two a comparison with Google maps where you see where trees had before and not now, and as we have added the blue zone .

As Mr. Suñe no answer applies, which is said colloquially fugir d'students, applying the rule pertaining de reduction fallacy ad hominem.

remember the old example that put the teacher as an example of this type of reasoning was as follows.

a law firm to study the tactics of the defense of a criminal, seeing that he had no defense possible, and that the evidence was conclusive, the council attorneys passed him a note to the colleague in charge of the defense with the following: There is no defense, attack the plaintiff's attorney.

is what makes Mr. Suñe, as there is valid reasoning accuses me of demagogue.

punt in the newspaper the day 11/5/2010 Mr. Suñe stated that the trees were diseased, although possibly some if it was true it could pose a risk, but taking advantage of the exemption to apply the generalization, applying converse fallacy of accident. It further states that it is to make a blue zone, but at the top SPECIFICATIONS, to apply then at the bottom.

Because sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words expose some pictures to look as critically ill were the trees.

The issue is not to question the legitimacy of the government to cut down the trees, while not sharing decision. The issue is the argument concerned the question is the fallacy of begging the question, Mr Suñe applied depending on the context of interest.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Grainne Seoige Looses Weight

get his first victory in 2011 Judejut

Our men's team on Wednesday got its first win against its similar of Tacna, by the final score of 3 sets to 1. The team continued to improve and achieved Southerners beat in one hour and 25 minutes of actual play. The first set was broad domain mistiano, Gianfranco accurate attacks Fernández, libero Pool defenses and the precise accommodations Pizarro Patricio Vega, among other prominent, he was allowed to close our sleeve 25-20.

The second set, was to forget as the team entered a prolonged gap, which gave him chance to tacneños not squandered the opportunity to even the score at one set per side (18-25).

In the third and fourth fight was intense but Arequipa mastered the crucial closing moments 25-18 and 25-20 match, noticing the ongoing push his captain Alberto Sanchez, who constantly harangued his team leading him to victory in the set.

Notably, Tacna received the support of two national pre-selected children: Gustavo Uruchi and Anthony Key, who became much stronger Tacna attack at times becoming a real headache for blocking Characato.

In this way, we move to the next stage and we play with Tarapacá (Chile) tomorrow Thursday at 11 am (9 am Peruvian time) at the Coliseum Syrian Lebanese. And the Later we will have another party rival even be defined as giving the results to be simultaneous.

Prof. Renzo Juarez Juarez FIVB Coach Instructor Level III National Collegiate Copev Peru Copev 1111

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How Long Until Exabyte Drive

tomorrow's opponent: Tacna!

Tomorrow at 11:30 am (9:30 am Peruvian time), our selection will face Tacna in the fourth game of the preliminary round of the tournament Argentina trasandino 2011. Although, neither fight for the top end, there is much at stake as the rivalry as equipment insurance from the same country will be present. Also, both fought to get his first win in the tournament.

Prof. Renzo Juarez Juarez
FIVB Coach Level III Instructor
National Collegiate Copev Peru Copev 1111

Whats The Strongest Brand Of Paper Towel

is improved but still not enough

The positive trend is obvious and statistically quantified, but even numbers is not enough to come out on top. The percentage of efficiency in the attack has been growing in these three games: 32% from La Rioja, 41% versus 49% versus Coquimbo and Tarija this morning. Also the numbers on defense and reception: 39% -55% -68%. Progressive growth but still not enough to stand up with our first victory. 3x1 fell today to the Bolivian Tarija, 22-25, 19-25, 25-23 and 22-25 in half an hour of play. Things look better, we have more good times, but still that: moments and to win you have to have good sets and parties.

But there is no going back, this time we had to dance "with the ugliest, volleyball is so. We must continue working here and most importantly, after returning from Argentina to reverse this bad next stage in the trans-Andean Peru 2012.

Top Arequipa!

Prof. Renzo Juarez Juarez
FIVB Coach Level III
Copev Peru National Collegiate Instructor Copev 1111

Hernia From Smoking Weed

We fell against La Rioja (Argentina) and Coquimbo (Chile) - Today Tarija is the team to beat! Road to Jujuy

Due to problems in the engine of the bus that transported us to Jujuy, Argentina, the trip took much longer than expected. They had predicted 30 hours of travel, but these were converted in 41 hours since we left on Saturday 07 at noon and arrive just in Jujuy at 7:30 am (5:30 am Peruvian time) on Monday May 9th. After settling in at the Grand Hotel Overview of the Belgrano street, and before getting to the rooms we had breakfast at the hotel. Within minutes of starting, a call warned us that we played at 9:30 am from La Rioja (Argentina), where, two hours after arriving in our journey of 41 hours.

We also reported in that call that bad luck in the series draw was made the day before and we did not have any representation as we were traveling (we were the last team to reach the competition venue), we had placed in series B, consisting so: Arequipa, La Rioja (Argentina), Tarija (Bolivia ), Coquimbo (Chile) and Tacna.

Professor José Laimito left the breakfast in half and went to make the accreditation, while the boys, hurry time is changed and enlisted to go to "play." There being no mobility available by the organization, we had to walk to the Coliseum "Trade 1" located 12 blocks from the hotel where we are.

The result was logical to La Rioja, slow reactions, deconcentration, fatigue was reflected in the long points of our team. It was so that Argentines had little trouble in closing the first two sets by 25-18 and 25-19.

In the third set was an "awakening" of our team, but not long enough for Partial win, we ended up losing 25 to 23. La Rioja is the fourth Argentine team who missed several years of restructuring its peak sporting bodies, so not had much information about its level, today showed he is for important things for the biotype and training of their athletes so allow.

conclusion of the match with La Rioja, had a quick lunch at 4:00 pm because we were playing again (yes, two games the same day we arrived) from Coquimbo, which resulted team ranked fourth in the final trasandino past. Lunch ended for us at 2:45 pm, change and wait for the bus that picked us up at 3:00 pm to take us to a theater other than the morning.

Upon arrival at the venue, was running previous match she beat La Rioja Tacna by 3x0. Heat and this time he was a better game than the morning (as was logical since at least the kids had eaten) we kept always to the point below 20, but the decentralized and the accumulated fatigue play again leaning in favor of rival the balance to his side. Coquimbo win by 25-21, 25-22 and 25-23. Second game we lost to Arequipa and away the chance to enter the top eight competition.

Today Tuesday, and having rested properly, we will face Tarija (Bolivia), a good team, very warlike, who lost to Coquimbo by 3x1. We have a close game and slide the possibility to add our first win in this competition. Afternoon rest and tomorrow will rival Tacna.

Definitely, this is not what we thought of as ideal trasandina participation, but we must be realistic and see that you can not play two official games competition to two hours to get a trip of more than 40 hours bus. On the other hand, the bad luck of being located in the B series of forced us to start playing on Monday 09, as the other series: A, C and D are just beginning to compete on Tuesday 10 and be composed only by four teams make ours the five as detailed above. And finally, keep in mind that whenever Arequipa is a respected team at Judejut, and therefore, "no one pays any favors" in these situations, we all know that.

Mourn about what happened is absurd. The team is aware of these things and stay focused on doing the best possible role. Looking for a good performance before pressed for victory. The victory in volleyball, always comes as a result of "doing well" and in that sense our kids are now clear, if fed and rested for the match acceptably with Tarija today and tomorrow to Tacna. Today, we will evaluate the performance of the group and hope to continue on an upward curve of production.

good thing also is that 75% of this equipment is for the trans-Andean Peru 2012, event that the team will have a new challenge, and more set, and hopefully with a greater volume of work. Hopefully the IPD can implement the annual work Trasandinos permanent, as do Chile, Bolivia and Argentina. Only planned work will allow us to go further each time.

Prof. Renzo Juarez Juarez
FIVB Coach Level III Instructor
National Collegiate Copev Peru Copev

Sunday, May 8, 2011

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Arequipa selection of men's volleyball Judejut 2011 is now in full journey to the town of Jujuy Argentina, home of the discipline in this edition of the games trasandinos.

is a tiring journey, but can the mind of this great group of guys that for four months have given everything for the best way to represent their city Arequipa. Often with only basic conditions, but with drive and determination.

"We are tired and a bit boring for so many hours of travel, but eager to compete and especially to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA to all of our mothers" (Patricio Vega - Owner)

"We are watching the hours pass and the road seems endless, but we will give our best to Argentina, that in fact give him ...!" (Mauritius Portocarrero - Opposite)

"For many of us this is the first high-level competitive experience and that excites us, we are anxious to get to Jujuy and get a medal" (Gianfranco Fernández - Forward)

At this time, the team is making a stop in Calama Chile. His arrival in Jujuy is scheduled for midnight just today, taking just enough time to rest and compete from day tomorrow. The trouble is not yet known or series, or competition stages and times, which is giving the note disrupted by the hosts. But all kids are good news and we just hang them on this page.


P rof. Renzo Juarez Juarez
FIVB Coach Level III Instructor
National Collegiate Copev Peru Copev 1111

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Maytag Performa Pavt-234aww Grease


This weekend we traveled to play the sector Palencia Championship of Castile and Leon School Games competition, square we earn by winning the school competition in the province of Salamanca.

This competition consists of two parts, one with a first sector that is what we're playing against the champion in Palencia province of Palencia, the team that wins this match will qualify for the final sector. The final sector to be played in Leon next week is decided by the 4 top places in the Championship of Castile and Leon School Games.

begin our journey in this competition on Friday May 6 trip leaving from the Municipal Hall of Santa Marta at 18:00 taking our kids to be there at 17:45 to avoid delays and take time to solve a oblivion as the DNI left at home that is absolutely essential to travel and in the race.

After leaving Santa Marta in Salamanca we stop to pick up other teams also travel to play the tournament in other sports.

Since there travel to Palencia where we stayed at the Hotel Rey Sancho Palencia city, once in there will put rooms and dinner.
After dinner we walk team for the city to relax the travel and tension of the game the next day.
After the walk we will go to our rooms and rest for the match.

On Saturday we got up early, around 8:00 for the bathroom, breakfast and travel to the flag of game that will Youth Sports Camp located in Avenida Cardenal Cisneros No. 12.

The game will be at 10:30 as we have said against the champion of the province of Palencia.

After our party and we will encourage our friends and colleagues of the young female that winning the school competition also in the female category are also to participate in this tournament, his party will start at 12:30.

Upon completion of these two parties back to the hotel, hopefully with two great joys, and pick the room there, eat lunch and then return to Salamanca.

This is the plan we have to face the competition, hopefully with all that is pleasant and enjoyable experience for our kids and enjoy the prize which is to qualify for a tournament of this type. In sport
wish you good luck, effort, focus and commitment to victory and with it a spot in the championship finals.

goes without saying that we must respect the rules on the bus, hotel and pavilion and players who do not comply will be punished severely, so it also with other participants in the championship.

hope to be a fun weekend and fruitful for everyone from here greetings and good luck.

Honda Diagnosis In Alhambra



1 room:

2 Fourth: 29-7

3 Fourth: 10-2

Evil game on land we played against a team that Avila knew perfectly as it was the 4 th time we played against them this season, after the last match we played in Santa Marta in which we lost by 3 points in the match this week we were unable to do anything right.

None of the rooms we were able to defend well not even half blocks raised by the opposing team in the two attacks that, after his defense be training 2 weeks prior to the match.
Nor were able to break their pressure for not being able to place properly in the field. Dimos

large samples of weakness to things that we have learned and we showed our opponents that we are still far below the level where we should be.

correct hard with a wide 50-point loss a bad game I hope we learn from our mistakes and counter this final stage of the competition with ambition and desire to improve, keep working hard to go for the next game.

Regards, Fran.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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Circolo and Wanka achieve permanence in 2011 Women's National League

Circolo Sportivo Italiano Wanka Callao and secured their stay in the first division of the Superior National League Women's Volleyball (LNSVF), winning their respective matches in the triplet developed in the coliseum Manuel Bonilla de Miraflores.
background in the game, Circolo Sportivo Italiano appealed to the experience of its owner Zaira Manso and Cinthia Perez attacker to defeat the willing, but decreased , all of the Agrarian University of La Selva (UNAS) by 3 to 0. The partials of the directed by Professor José Cáceres were 25-15, 25-19 and 25-23. Thus, Circolo finished unbeaten in the hexagonal won their five games and giving up only one set in the entire competition.
Another cast that secured his presence in the League next season is the Wanka Callao, thanks to its victory over Sport Boys Tarapoto by 3 sets to 0. The tarapotinas, who accused the absence of some players and, incredibly, his own coach, were only rival in the first set in which chalaca had to be used to fund 26-24 defeat. Then, fatigue took its toll on the members of the Boys and could not prevent the girls from Edwin Jimenez win the following two sets by 25-16 and 25-15.

In clash of cholera, ABC San Felipe sextet beat his International Arequipa similar by 3 to 0 (25-18, 26 - 24 and 26-24) and got his only victory in this hex.

1 - 10 points Circolo Sportivo Italiano
2 - 9 points Callao Wanka
3 - Univ Agraria de la Selva 8 points
4 - Sport Boys 7 points
5 - ABC San Felipe ; 6 points
6 - 5 points International

Prof. Renzo Juarez Juarez ;
FIVB Coach Level III Instructor
National Collegiate Copev Peru Copev 1111

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Much Can You Sell A Real Pearl For?

said IPD 2011 participation in Argentina Trasandinos

Source: http://

The IPD-National has confirmed the participation of all the Peruvian delegation (Tacna, Puno, Cusco, Moquegua and Arequipa) Trasandinos Games in Argentina. If the MEF continues to implement the Supreme Decree 012 that freezes the budget. "If the IPD that the Government fails to change this Decree, then use tax money to fund Casinos and Slots trasandino budget," said the owner of the IPD-Arequipa, Walther Lozada Regent.

Arequipa If the budget has allocated IPD-rom National 280 000 nuevos soles that covers 90% of all expenditure. The remaining 10% will cover Cerro Verde mine possibly due to management made by the Regional Government.

regional stops:

despite the IPD-Arequipa budget have not been organizing regional caps trasandinos. The weekend was made of Judo and Tae Kwon Do. Today will start the cycling circuit Melgar Stadium at 9 am and tomorrow will run the fund (65 km) in Cerro Verde.
Table tennis will be held today and tomorrow in the minicoliseo de Bustamante y Rivero.

Prof. Renzo Juarez Juarez
FIVB Coach Level III Instructor
National Collegiate Copev Peru