Saturday, September 27, 2008

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set Chorus: Viña del Mar - Placilla - Casablanca - Hope Mission

On Saturday 27, at 15:00, met at the Evangelical Pentecostal Church in Viña del Mar Placilla choirs, Casablanca and Hope with the choir host for its first test set because of the programming that has made the church in Valparaiso in view of the forthcoming International Conference to be held in that city in February 2009.

The event was marked by a pleasant atmosphere and a warm response from the participating choirs to advance the learning of hymns proposed on this occasion were "Towards Peace" and "Light of Life Heaven. " For next time take on these hymns programmed would be "the right hand of the Sublime," "God never", "Fountain of Eternal Life" and "Holy Father, King Eternal." Moreover, according to the established program, identifying three more trials to be held in October, November and January next at the same church in Viña del Mar.

is the sincere desire of the participating choirs that our God is always the sole repository of all honor, glory and highest praise, and that the union of these beautiful voices to the Creator is a sign of our deep desire to "Humble and your sons, O Lord, lift your holy cross meet. On top of the ruins yesterday, to unite people in love. Help them, O God in his mission, show your plan of redemption. "

IEP Viña del Mar

Saturday, September 20, 2008

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Take the Money and Run

take the title of the film, to show my agreement with economics professor Xavier Sala, in the wake of the recent economic crisis.

While there have been benefits of speculative investments have filled their pockets, now come the need to socialize losses.

This is not free market, this is to benefit the sausages, and penalize the honesty of the honest and modest, and then fills her mouth with the liberalization, when these attitudes only thing is to get consistency the fallacy of comparative advantage.

Monday, September 15, 2008

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Under the title "Development of democracy, political self-centeredness as ballast" Prof. Agustin de la Herran points us one of the problems for which the social gains of democracy into a state of regression.

ethylene effect is the damage that occurs when one of these with the characteristics you describe the teacher is installed in an organization policy. The problem is not its existence, if not their survival, which brings out the topics of mistrust content expression "all politicians are alike" when it is not, when there are truly committed and competent people that are left skin to make a more just society, which is nullified by this effect. Already

Dr. Jose Cabrera in his mental health and political, warns of the consequences involved in choosing them as our representatives, who fill their speeches of rights and values, to curtail and then have the slightest chance are the kings of cognitive dissociation, where you lose the match between definiens and definiendum.

effect is how ethylene promotes areas that go from formal to functional illiteracy illiteracy, to enter into an entropic system, which only they hold the keys that will ensure permanence.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

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"For the hair removal shaver must ensure that it is very clean so you can make a smooth cut and do not push much skin.
"If waxing is done with scissors, we should avoid putting them in contact with skin.

Every time we use a razor blade, we must discard at the end, for their continued use can lead to infections or rust.
-The waxes should always be clean and never reuse them as often contaminated with ease.
-clamps that we use must be sterilized to avoid that can cause infections.

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At most relevant to the care of the image of modern man. Information on all male hair removal methods. The beauty and personal care of man XXI century
Sometimes the roles are changed and we become unable to perform certain actions typical of always male. For example, a perfect shaving habits can throw ancestral land marked men for centuries, such as the case of stubble or a good shave, "but that scrape" a little note for our male girl who we are.

Although it appears that female influence is not very important in determining male behavior, these views are often a determining factor when deciding on male hair removal.
As demonstrated, with the hair intimate male areas women tend to enjoy more sex with men. Laser hair removal scrotum and the area pereital makes all this area a feeling of more volume, which is usually pleasant for women and also makes the male self-esteem grow. As polls show, this is a compelling reason for men to accept without any problems epilation usually be somewhat painful at times. All for a better quality of relationships.
At first, only the athletes, for hygienic reasons demanding this service, because the friction in the intimate and sweat zones often cause irritation. Even be recommended by dermatologists. However, the use of this type of hair removal has become commonplace for many reasons, becoming more popular and affordable for anyone wanting to surprise your partner.

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Whether or not straight / gay, or athletes, is a widespread standard shower naked with another man as the most normal thing in the world It is normal, but I will never understand, what I understand is that they are like a little vacation that men take for your enjoyment (not sexually) in a brutally masculine, ie, as males meet me to compare and measure our manhood, who is taller and stronger, who is bigger, who inspires more respect with its imposing and virile body, who fucks most, and who is more skilled in business (nogocios frequently spoken to me I know) Anyway I do not understand why this is, if cultural, biological, or part of human nature, or a simple ritual male. The intimacy of that stipulated in the shower makes an encounter with the naked body, sensible heat and open water that caresses proporce to lather.
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The first and obvious positive effect of nudism is direct contact with the sun, resulting in better risk circulation, increased carbon dioxide removal, the result of a deeper breath flow achieved by winning the bloodstream. "The sun's rays revitalize the global cellular metabolism, optimizing thyroid function and promoting an increased secretion of sex hormones . Another major benefit is the strengthening of the immune system, especially if exposure is combined with v ivificantes marine toilets. "

Another advantage is that it is ideal for calcification of bones and skin problems such as seborrhea. "The action of the sun," continued Costa- air, water and land on a man's genitals also promotes the production of male hormones and sperm. It is therefore recommended practice of naturism abulias comprehensive sex case.

Monday, June 30, 2008

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The bedroom has become one of the areas most "private" and more "intimate" of human life. Like most bodily functions, also the "sleep" is something that has been relegated increasingly to the backroom of social intercourse. The nuclear family is the last socially sanctioned legitimate enclave has remained of these functions, as has happened with many other social functions. Visible and invisible walls rob the eyes of other human beings the most "private", more "intimate" of the other, that is, the irrepressibly "animal" in them. In medieval society this role has not yet been privatized so or had been excluded from social life. The normal thing was to receive visits in the rooms where there were beds and bedding, in turn, by type, were na social function display.
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Many people object. Many enjoy it in its place put the arguments for y los pretextos que ponen los que no se atreven.
Los hombres que duermen desnudos tienen mayor cantidad de esperma que aquellos que visten ropa interior ajustada o duermen bajo mantas eléctricas.
La fertilidad masculina ha decaído en los países occidentales en los recientes años. La baja en la fertilidad ha sido asociada con diversos factores, incluyendo la temperatura en los testículos y factores ambientales, de acuerdo con el informe.
El consumo de alcohol y tabaco también afectaron la cantidad, la flexibilidad y el desempeño del esperma. la fertilidad podría verse afectada por la influencia de químicos y sustancias como el plomo y el mercurio.

Comfort and health.
is more comfortable and healthy. If you increase your level of comfort you rest more. Your body regenerates degenerated better. Sex
. If you sleep with someone increases the level of intimacy and chance have more frequent sex. Also feel more closeness.
Work and Lifestyle. If you felt tired even though you have enough sleep, sleep in the nude can make your hours of sleep are of better quality, deeper sleep and repairers
As you relax more, before you enter a phase of sleep deep and so can reduce the number of hours you sleep.
Then of course, puts you a few reasons to prevent this:
"If your partner does not like.
-Si is very cold at night, can cause the blood not circulating well.
"If you live with roommates, it is not

But for the boxers, I read that not too tight or too loose either. First, because you know that the testicles need a certain temperature, so are outside the body, if you wear tight boxer, you make your temperature cambie y podría perjudicar la producción de espermatozoides, o su calidad.
En el segundo caso (muy holgados), es perjudicial dependiendo de la actividad que tengas, no son recomendables si tienes que estar saltando o haciendo algún deporte. Eso podría primero, dolerte, jeje, y segundo causarte alguna lesión.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

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El desnudo masculino fue muy utilizado en la Antigüedad clásica sobre todo en escultura. Se trataba de reflejar el culto al cuerpo, tan frecuente por ejemplo en los Juegos Olímpicos, en which participants were completely naked and barefoot, except in the area of \u200b\u200bthe testicles that protected with syrup to avoid damage or nuisance. Michelangelo's David
Body worship was the continuation of the cult of the gods, who were often also presented naked.
After the medieval period, return to the Renaissance cult of the human body and is a good example in the sculptures of Michelangelo. It is very interesting paradigm that reflects the statue, to set the dominant ideology of the time with the non-circumcision of David.

is natural, is more understandable for those who practice naturism or nudism. Being naked is comfortable and enjoyable if we can rid of the shame that this can give us. Being naked in front of another person often can address topics of conversation with more freedom than in other circumstances, and you find an equal in front of another naked person and yourself as vulnerable as you feel.
in other fields, however, strongly influenced by the environment, the clothing and physical appearance of the speaker, if you imagine a situation where a man talks of negoscios with another and one is poured with the best costume , a nice watch, well groomed, in a category rather than with one that does not accustomed to such a high profile, the latter will be seen at a disadvantage. On the other hand do not think it's only a matter of taste, is to intimidate but also a friendship (has nothing to do with homosexuality) and a matter of convenience, to leave the club already showered and ready for another activity.

Whether or not straight / gay, or athletes, is a widespread standard shower naked with another man as the most normal thing in the world is normal, but I never I mean, what I understand is that they are like a little vacation that men are made to share and enjoy (Not sexually) in a brutally masculine, ie, as males Let's get together to compare and measure our manhood, who is taller and stronger, who is bigger, who inspires more respect with its imposing and virile body, who fucks more, and who is more skilled in business.

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L Point of man.
Discover new pleasure points, thanks to the point L!
How to increase the intensity of orgasms orgasm
round, warm, intense Learn to use the point L to get the most out
Mastering the point L both intercourse and in the preliminaries! Knowing the point L
male use it, enjoy it
Let us note that the point L is a name "commercial." Contrary to the G female male point L is not a specific sexual part but is just a new name given to the outside of the pubococcygeus muscle, especially erogenous zone that can be stimulated both externally and internally.
Point L is located between the bottom of the testicles and anus.

point L can be stimulated in several ways:
* In the oral sex.
* via masturbation.
* In intercourse, ie having sex altogether.
Of all these points the first two are the most accessible for everybody and easier to perform, while the third requiere cierto entrenamiento de parte de ambos sexos. Nuestro programa incluye técnicas para hacer posible la estimulación del punto L masculino durante la penetración, y especialmente permitir orgasmos simultáneos también en el hombre. En efecto, el punto L tiene su propio orgasmo, que es distinto a lo que se obtiene a través de la estimulación del Pene.
Estimulación del punto L en el sexo oral
En el sexo oral, sólo hay que chupar el pene en su punta, en el orificio de la uretra de donde sale la orina y el esperma, como si eso fuera una pajita.
De esta forma se obtendrá un efecto de aspiración. For this purpose it is enough to suck rhythmically repeating the puffs in quick sequence. Sucking cock in this way can a man reach orgasm item L. But do not suck too hard, because that can cause irritation. A couple quite adept can toggle this stimulation with normal oral sex. Once a man reaches orgasm, the aspiration should continue also during ejaculation, while stimulating the frenulum and the sore spot on the glans penis with his tongue.

point stimulation by masturbating L
This is the technique easier. It is enough left masturbate or masturbate with the addition of pressure of the hand and thumb on the point L. Of course, with only finger pressure is difficult to reach orgasm item L and not always all men can reach it without preparation. But combining this technique with current masturbation can at least enhance the pleasure and diversify. Another variant is intruduce a finger in the man's anus while stimulating the prostate, penis and point L. However, only some of the heterosexual men tolerate and accept anal stimulation.


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As mentioned, when speaking of penis measurements, we talk mostly about the size of the erect penis. Anyway, for those who follow a penis enlargement program like ours, it is very important to both types of measurements.

Measure the length of the flaccid penis
The method is the same as the penis. The rule should continue to press the pubic bone and should just keep his penis in a stable position, thus allowing the measurement. Do not stretch the penis, as the standard measure should always correspond to the size of a penis in its natural state, ie pendant.
When measuring the flaccid penis, it is advisable to also use objects as tools of measurement. For example, a sheet of paper, a currency bill, the palm, the cardboard toilet paper roll, etc..

Measure the circumference of the flaccid penis
When the penis is at rest there is not much difference in circumference along its length and can be measured at any point. In some cases, the glans is to be bigger from the rest. If this is the case, then it measured up to the glans.
Note: all measurements, whether the penis is erect or not, are made with the foreskin closed and not to the penis exposed. Of course, if you are circumcised, this recommendation is not necessary.

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flaccid erect penis

L a circumference of the penis is not the same all over the penis. Is usually higher at the base and is slightly reduced as it reaches the glans. Many sites penis enlargement advised to make these measurements at the center of the penis, however the most correct measure is the maximum, since it is this which allows the maximum dilation of the vagina during penetration. In most cases, the maximum circumference is at the base of the penis.

If you have this shape so it measured in this region. If not, measure just at the point of maximum circumference. The circumference of the penis measured with a meter tape.
These are the steps to follow:
1. You can measure the circumference being both standing and sitting, although some argue it is more comfortable standing.
2. Measure at the point of maximum circumference, use a nail or a marker for passwords where the start point of the meter is attached to the corresponding measure.
3. Enter the result. Maybe it measured more than once to ensure that the result is as accurate as possible.

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To measure the length of the erect penis using a small hard rule. For accurate measurement, the rule must be at least two or three inches of penis. Put the rule base side of the penis, right in the junction between the penis and the pubic bone and should be in the middle, ie neither above nor below the penis.
How to measure penis
If you have a bend, straighten the penis, since the curves do not count and the exact measurements are taken without curls.
Taking measures must respect the following points:
1. Must stand with the penis perpendicular to the body.
2. Straighten the penis to prevent any bending influence the measurement result.
3. Affirm the rule of the pubic bone, the penis right (or left if you are left handed) and an average height.

4. Measure to the tip of the glans and eventually other rules set horizontally on the tip of the penis, and the perpendicular to the original rule can help you get more accurate measurements.
5. Enter the result. At best, measure more times to verify that the result is as accurate as possible.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

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Technique for measuring penile length
to make clear that how to take measures as regards the length has always been from the beginning or birth of the penis, near the pubic bone, to the last extremity or end of the glans.
in thickness or circumference measurements are taken one inch from the glans, ie what may be regarded as the shaft of the penis.
also tends to think that there is a ratio between the penis resting state and erect state. Keep in mind the difficulty of accurate measurement of the penis in its flaccid state. The reason is simple: varies according to the flow of blood, according to the status of the individual, heat, cold or mood. However, in an approximate calculation carried out by various surveys, is estimated as normal or average penis to rest in about 9 or 10 inches long and between 7 and 9 inches in circumference.
The erect penis is measured over the penile shaft, supporting the rule against the symphysis pubis, allowing a more accurate measurement. The fat man's belly should push inward to make the rule rests against the pubic bone.
scrotum: a skin bag inside which houses the testicles, epididymis and the initial portion of the vas deferens with its vessels and nerves involved.

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comes from the word penis penis penis or, in Greek πέος or pean.
is the male sexual organ while it is as male copulatory organ and organ of urination as houses inside the urethra. In the penis, thus moving both urine and semen.
voiding process can only occur while the penis in normal or sagging. The ejaculation process occurs during erection.
The penis is an erectile organ and is composed of erectile tissue that has the ability to fill with blood under the effect of sexual arousal and become rigid and erect.
When the erect penis enters, is capable of intercourse and ejaculate semen during orgasm.
The penis is the male genital organ analogous to the female clitoris, as the two come from the same embryonic structure, although the latter has no role in reproduction.


The penis has different sizes, shapes and positions (including colors), depending on the physical constitution of each man.

The penis shape is also varied and may be some who take positions in vertical, horizontal, right, left or curved upward.


small penises increase more in size during erection, the penis larger, so the comparison, in its flaccid state, is not indicative of the ultimate size during erection. While a large penis during erection ot riplica double its original size, a small penis size can multiply up to 7 so that, ultimately, the size may be similar. A flaccid penis of 7 cm to multiply by 2, will be the same size as one of 2 cm to multiply by 7.


There are two types of penis:
Flesh and Blood .
The former have a lot of meat and, when in erection and when they are young are similar in size.

Others are of blood, which grow much but are very small when flaccid.
are not to be the first larger than the second or vice versa, it just depends on the size difference between erection and flaccidity.