Sunday, December 9, 2007

Save The Date Clever Sayings

The "magic" of Christmas

Today, as he traveled between Viña and Valparaiso looked at a distance of no more ten blocks advertisements Christmas three large multistorey car in the country. The first sentence reads as principal "The magic of believing", and there is a well-known television personality with a little girl contemplating a "crystal ball."

The second says in his lead sentence "The Magic of Disney on Falabella" and seen Mickey Mouse with Minnie, the characters emblem of international production that puts sex subliminal messages in children's films, and who show an "ambiguous sexuality", giving a gift.

And the third says "The magic of surprise", and there is another well-known television personality with a gift box from where a magical fairy, sheathed in gold dust.

Where is the Christmas greeting of joy at the birth of Christ in these ads?. Barely able to perceive that this is because Christmas advertising in the first crystal ball looks a snowy landscape, from where snow the second is seen to deliver a gift Mickey Minnie surrounded by the most characteristic red and green Christmas, and the third, the fairy comes out of a present surrounded by the typical red and gold Christmas ornaments. Otherwise, no trace of Christmas greetings. Even the word "Christmas."

Is no longer enough to have become Christmas in the celebration of consumerism and Santa Claus, and have already established 31 October as the feast of the witchcraft and satanism, to come now to transform the December 25 Party magic? Today

magic is the word in vogue in all the world's children. Is present in games, their fantasies, throughout their daily lives. Harry Potter and company have achieved its purpose: to raise awareness to the world of the "kindness and naturalness with which they must assume the presence of magic in human life. And Christmas, as international festival, could not escape this tidal wave, tsunami characteristics, coiling with everything in its path. And today is no longer spoken of the joy of the baby Jesus, no longer speak the message of peace and goodwill to all men. Today we talk about "THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS."

is, Christmas is a magical time in which all good wishes are granted. Obviously good wishes compliance with money involved. That is, the satanic message penetrating two-pronged: to distort the original and genuine character of celebrating Christmas in memory of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, transforming it into a beautiful celebration because of the purest manifestation of the "benevolent magic", and bring The alleged joy and happiness to the world through the uncontrolled consumption and alienated from a world that has been established that the only way to properly celebrate Christmas is spending lots of money on gifts and good food.

has been much discussion about the legitimacy of celebrating Christmas, and even more if it corresponds to 25 December. Does not worth spending one day a year to remember in a special way the birth of Christ our Savior, as well as celebrate and remember his sacrifice and death on Easter? Is it relevant whether Christ was born on December 25 or any other day of the year?

I think the important thing is that at least one day a year we stop to think that on a day like this, or one similar, the real miracle happened, not produced by any magic or less for the money, but by the work of God's eternal love for mankind, determined the time for the birth of a holy child, who years later would be consummated on the cross who's redemptive work.

Never give the devil and his devices, who is trying to misrepresent any genuine work and kindness of the message of peace and goodwill that comes with the infant Jesus. Christmas is a magical time: It is the day Jesus was born, EL SALVADOR IN THE WORLD! HORACIO
Choir Director IEP Viña del Mar


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