Sunday, December 30, 2007

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Stable

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I saw them too optimistic to pretend I limit the term dignity, as stated in my previous article, at most, I got some mild strokes, with the help of José Antonio Marina, left Agustín Sánchez, Detlef Merten, Lautaro Rivers Alvarez, and certainly left me a few more.

The term dignity as Angel Rodriguez Guerro, and Benedicto Chuaqui Jahiatt has its origin in the dignitas that its gradations was one of the characteristics of the seal aristocratic Roman society until it was incorporated into the Christian-Western culture: an individual conquest became inherent in the human condition. Javier Saldaña

concept seems to agree with Kant and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, where comments on the importance of the claim that dignity is the foundation of human rights, justice and social peace. While Kant affirms and accepts as initial premise the recognition of the dignity of the person as an ontological instance and therefore unavailable objective. Is the person and the dignity of this as absolute foundation that organizes and gives full moral and legal. Perhaps

so standard and legal regulations have lost the substance or foundation of it is the dignity, as it was not enough with the French revolution in 1789 with its Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, but it had to produced 2 world wars, to take collective consciousness of who we are.

So it was not until September 10, 1948 when he saw the light through the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, yet it took 28 years and 18 days for Spain to accede to that particular statement 28 September 1976.

However As the professor of public law DR.Detlef Merten: Because of its vagueness and its vagueness, the principle of human dignity has come become the wild card of constitutional interpretation. Not only is transformed into a small coin (such as the mandate or right to correct wording own name), but must also ensure their own representations of a political nature, when he has derived a "fundamental right to proper democracy or service of democracy. "

The German people as a result of its recent history seems to have taken a little more aware of this term as evidenced by its 1949 constitution available, and in Article 1:

"Human dignity is inviolable (...) Consistent with this, the German people recognizes the inviolable and inalienable rights of man.

And not only this but in addition, the problem is so serious that the 1949 German constituents, haunted by the memory of Nazism and criminal use of democratic procedures, tried by every means to prevent the possibility of the Constitution was denatured and included the following item: 79 (3).

is not permitted an amendment of the constitution affecting the organization of the Federation in the Federated, the principle of participation of the Laender in legislation or the principles set out in Articles 1 and 20 (referring to human dignity on 1 and 20 º to democratic rule.)

But had to stay calm because a 1968 amendment added a curious item: 20 (4).

anyone who tries to overthrow Against that order, I attended all the Germans the right of resistance when no other recourse is possible.

Therefore the concept of dignity is not only a legal concept, but it belongs to the process of humanizació. There are at least three categories term dignity, ontological dignity, dignity ethical and theological dignity.

ontological dignity as its name suggests it has dignity and every one of the people by being itself a matter of existence, and completely independent of their actions, ie to the most cruel person can not be deprived of it .

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, tries to make sense of the ontological concept of dignity, but at the risk of contradicting José Antonio Marina is it possible that dignity without the complement positivist economics? And what are the magnitudes econometric it? From that point

of view adopted in 1966 UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural whose preamble recognizes this and says so. Preamble

The States Parties to the present Covenant, Considering that, according to the principles enunciated in the Charter of the United Nations, freedom, justice and peace in the world are based on the recognition of the inherent dignity of all members of the human family and their equal and inalienable rights,
Recognizing that these rights derive from the inherent dignity of the human person.
Recognizing that, under the Universal Declaration Human Rights can not be the ideal of free human beings enjoying freedom from fear and want, unless conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his economic, social and cultural as well as his civil rights and politicians.

and ratified more so in the art.11

Article 11 States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including food, clothing and housing and continuous improvement of living conditions.
States Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure the realization of this right, recognizing to this effect the essential importance of international cooperation based on free consent

Recognizing the UN in its own monitoring committee following

Although a wide variety of international instruments address the different aspects of housing rights adequate (3 ), paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Covenant is the most comprehensive and perhaps the most important of the relevant provisions.

And the UN says

The committee also notes that there are significant problems of homelessness and housing inadequate in some of the most economically developed societies

is not more than paraphrase the dignity that is impossible without freedom and freedom is not possible without a minimum quantitative value, except the freedom to die of hunger or cold.

For example in our constitution concept of dignity find three entries, one of them discarded as it relates to the formal dignity of the Crown, the other two concepts are one in the preamble that reads as follows "Promoting progress of culture and economy to ensure a dignified quality of life. " And a second entry referred to the house that reads "

All English people have the right to enjoy decent and adequate housing. The public authorities shall promote the necessary conditions and establish appropriate standards for the realization of this right.

Referring to the second concept of dignity contained in the right to housing, we note the vagueness with which the Constitution contains this term, leaving it so empty that is unable to bear the question: when is

decent housing? Does the hideout of Ortega Lara? Or is 30 square meters proposed by the former Minister Trujillo? "A lot lower with 95% humidity ideal for rheumatism? "A house facing north where the only sun that gives it the reflection of mirrors of passing cars?

Referring to this concept of decent economy, as well says the professor, are vague and indeterminate exhibitions. The Constitution includes a decent quality of life, but no tabs or anything specific, how is the dignity of the quality of life? .

According to UNDP (United Nations Program for Development). Poverty is specified in the following figures: for a household of an adult, the threshold is 6,347 per year (530 per month) which is in Spain according to 2005 data is 19.8% of the population, one five.

or making sense seems that the only minimum wage claim is to establish the subsistence minimum in order to continue producing, throwing overboard the concept of freedom and with it as it is inseparable from the concept dignity, dignity is abolished in these terms.

could continue the shopping cart. Would not it be easier to adjust the term dignity to specific econometric values? The lack of narrowing the term dignity, does not establish the degree of need for people to better redistribute the circular flow of income, as saying the lack of shoulder corresponds to the lack of political courage that entails, where it has been opt for easier application Neocon policy of so-called by both parties of the right and left. Paradoxically

is the father of this system, Neocon, Leo Strauss, who gives the solution in the statement "freedom of an educated mind is the best antidote to the pathologies of modern mass politics." Certainly in our country that wants access to education can do so without undue hindrance, but have not been given sufficient conditions to raise awareness of this fundamental value, leading to distort the meaning to the premise of Erasmus, saying that the future of a nation is in the dedication that is offered to their children.

itself is state to benefit from the formula easier by following the premise of the minimum effort that has chosen to establish a state nematology control over it, a state of boomeritiano applied.

The second point of dignity, the dignity ethics, ethical dignity is the dignity of work. Here I get it up the book by Jose Cabrera whose title is The Mental Health Policy.

But before getting down to go ahead there and there have been politicians who have left the skin on the job, unfortunately it seems invisible hand that feeds on them and they are disgusted at the best or kill in the worst.

An example of this term, the President of Congress, who won plaudits and awards including the opposition, but not its President, or the beloved Labordeta.

Outside our borders we find Isaac Rabin assassinated by his own, or Benazir Bhutto.

With a century of difference seem to match John Stuart Mill and Joseph Cabrera, the first says that the aphorism by which the truth is always triumphant over persecution, is one more of those kind falsehoods which men repeat from generation to generation. The second states that mental health leaders will be designed in a comprehensive and quick as we could say mental health collective.

is true according to the state of nature as proposed by Hobbes if A makes a pact with B and the same with A the first to breach the pact wins in preference, albeit short term, because in the long term from corrupting wrath inside to perish.

humanity have only been taking steps forward when covenants have been complied with fair whose premise is to respect the dignity and decent man like himself is entitled to the truth. Our country has gone from a dictatorship to a period of hope reflected in the Moncloa Pacts, after about social progress step by a chief, to lead to absolute narcissism whose result is reflected in the growing discredited politicians among citizens, resulting in the promotion of abstinence in representative elections.

The success story in the right to education led to the practical poorly led, and I hope not to be projected in this aspect, has resulted in drastically reducing the illiteracy rate, but what good is knowing how to read if not can interpret the reading, as evidenced by the recent report on education Pisa? .

This cult of individuality, the result is pride, which is reflected in the lack of intellectual humility, and reveal through words such as ... My one I have to say anything deaf to any suggestion or contribution. These are the attitudes that seek to attack and sometimes they succeed, the dignity of the people taking them for idiots or stupid. Such people as Hobbes says see the advantage of short-term ego, as is the case that the Bank of Spain governor Mariano Rubio, having a great senior role where you have all the doors, has been stigmatized the history of the English economy as a "sausage." I miss our politicians a sense of self, one can not be right at all times, it is difficult nowadays to find a leader who admits being wrong. Applies the fallacy of ad vaculum Reduction, ie do not act according to reason really, if not compelling reasons, as demonstrated recently in Congress and the Senate to censure of a minister. But we should not exclude our liability to the end of the leaders are chosen us.


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