Saturday, December 29, 2007

Is A Spotty Period Normal When Pregnant?

Dignity Dignity "pending II

corny as it may seem out of place or ridiculous, a part of ethics is referenced to the concept of compassion, but we should understand the concept of compassion with impunity.

Brought this up for the dignity, because the other day a buddy sent me the photo below

Apparently it was a posthumous tribute to a boy who died at age 19, is one of the best graffiti I've seen in my village, the author of the graffiti did not even sign of respect for the deceased.

Applying the law really if you have not asked permission to paint it to be a public space management can legally destroy it, and he did.

To this I refer to the dignity of work, the town where I live there is a lot of graffiti, which consist of simple blur. The site in question had become contentious site, most likely have been the greatest tribute that the boy has received in his life, he could not even enjoy.
I am reminded of the verses he said.

Who are they? That
not let them live the living or the dead

These are.


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