Friday, November 2, 2007

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Reñaca Polyphonic Choir in the National Day of Evangelical Churches of the Reformation

The Polyphonic Choir Tuesday, 30 participated as a guest at the celebration of the National Evangelical Church held in the hall of the National Congress , at which were awarded 16 pastors from different regions of the country, which included our Superintendent Eduardo Valencia Martínez Pastor and Pastor Hugo Moreno, who was replaced by Pastor Carlos González A.

The event was chaired by the President (s) of the Senate, Carlos Ominami and the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Patricio Walker, also counted with the presence etre others, the Bishop Emiliano Soto, the chaplain of the Palacio de La Moneda, Juanita Albornoz and Bishop Roberto Lopez. The ceremony was attended by deputies and senators, as well as the Mayor of the V Region, Iván de la Maza, and the Governor of Valparaiso, Ricardo Bravo.

On the occasion, Deputy Walker said that the delivery of recognition of the 16 leading figures in the evangelical world was agreed unanimously by all banks, because "the churches have dignified Christians in the country "through its commitment to Christian values.

added that" the action of the Evangelical Church is linked to a continuing social work. Parachurch organizations are a successful means by which evangelical Christians work collaboratively to link with the world on a mission of social welfare and evangelism. "

the House of Representatives currently handles two motions consolidated reporting celebrating this holiday date. The text was approved by the Commission of Culture and will be voted on soon in the Chamber in its first constitutional.

This conclusion the intervention had its polyphonic choir singing three hymns, "Onward," "Humble now" and "Hallelujah" by Handel, also singing at the exit of the event the anthem "God bless you" in the hall input, and finally being invited to sing the hymn "A Mighty Fortress" inside the Hall.
The event was broadcast live on Channel 99, and Christian inner channel of the Senate of Congress, once again being raised on high the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, making its presence felt in the act especially when he invited the audience to raise their arms and give "Glory to God."
In our eternal God be all honor and glory.
Director Coro IEP Viña del Mar


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