Friday, October 26, 2007

How Many Minutes A Day Do We Gain Light

Moments: The kidnapping Luther

This October 31 has been dubbed "The Reformation Day." In our country various celebrations realizaránb date, some promoted by the Congress, together with the Council of Bishops. Deputy
following is a brief excerpt of topics published by our good friend Daniel Dañeiluk, in his blog "The eye Protestant." ----------------------------------------------
"The Emperor Charles V had called a meeting of all authorities of the empire to be held in the city of Worms, and invited Martin Luther to explain its position on the proposed reform.
this time , and Luther was upon the papal bull of excommunication, which in practice meant his condemnation to the stake. Luther's friends advised him not to go, even if the emperor had guaranteed his life. But Luther stood before the Diet ( as used to be called to such meetings) and stoically defended their ideas. The declaration of allegiance to Rome by Charles V and the papal excommunication, did provide a treason. This, without prejudice to either cease or imperial safe conduct, Luther would be arrested and probably executed.
After completion of the Assembly, his heart satisfied with being able to state the reasons of their faith, as did some 1500 years before the Apostle Paul in Rome, Luther began to return to Wittenberg.
Along the way, was intercepted by a group of men armados.Martín Luther did not understand what was happening. I can only imagine that his first impression was thinking "here's all over." It turns out that the men who cut their way were, in fact, agents sent by his friend Frederick III of Saxony who had mission to move him to safety and insurance Wartburg Castle. There was
hidden hand guard and inquisidora.Durante your stay in the castle of Frederick, Luther held a fruitful task. He translated the first version of the Bible into German and wrote a considerable number of treaties on theology, letters and hymns. "


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