Monday, November 12, 2007

Which Works Best The Laser Comb Or Rogaine ?

Local High

This past Sunday, November 4, our Evangelical Pentecostal Church in Viña del Mar opened a new advanced local Reñaca Alto, the third area to be constructed within the radius of the same sector, due to the large number of fraternity belonging to this sector.

The ceremony opened after 15:00 hrs. with the singing of patriotic national anthem, and with a large turnout of the brotherhood of the church. The ceremony took part Polyphonic Choir outside the local and then in his dedication to the interior, singing hymns as "humble and" and "Glory, Glory, Hallelujah."

During the latter period from 1980 to the present, our Pastor Horacio Contreras Vega has built have opened 7 stores, which have saved many souls for Christ. The current location began operations in more than 40 brothers and sisters, counting and the presence of some new souls.

God continue to bless and prosper his work according to his promise, and allow many more workers come to work because The harvest is plentiful.


IEP Viña del Mar


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