Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hypersomnia In The Elderly



1 Room: 9-27

2 Bathroom: 17-12

3 Fourth:
8 -27

4 Fourth: 15-26

tough game for us from the beginning with a partial 9-0 adverse nothing else start the party that led us to ask two time outs in the first quarter as visitor pressure was so strong and so well done that we could not leave, did not make it until after 5 min of the first quarter and as I said after 2 time-outs and if we get out of pressure at the end of the room and went to make a few points late in the first quarter with a handicap of 18 points.

The second quarter was another side, we were able to adapt our way out of their strong pressure full court defense and we got out no problem in this period, things began to go on offense and we got tough on defense in summary we things really well in this room and this time it was us who killed visitors Forza 2 times in this room and we got this room for a difference of 5 points.

In the third quarter we got back to their old ways the first and even knowing how and when we had to do things and who had worked in the second quarter, and did not again ask for 2 time-outs in the fourth and still lost the third quarter by 19 points, many because of this the joke on the bench of people who had not yet come (which they repeatedly warning ) and was not seeing things as we did in the second quarter that really worked, and when these guys took to the track did not know where it went, I hope this hard correction in this period will help us to be more vigilant when we're not playing what happens on the court.

returned in the fourth quarter pressure to succeed, but we did not have the skill or patience to build our attack and we lost many balls by precipitation and anxiety. In defense showed no the strength of the second quarter and came back to give plenty of easy points, this last quarter it would also be for the visitors by a margin of 11 points. Hard corrective

which we imposed the Leon with his good play in attack strength in rebounding and impressive all-court defense, a much deserved congratulations to the visiting team. Our kids tell
we begin the final stretch of the season and we must grit our teeth and give everything in training and in matches, lots of encouragement and for all!

Regards, Fran.


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