Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Acoustic Solutions Tv Keeps Going Blank



1 room: 14-28

2 Bathroom: 10-12

3 Fourth: 10-9

4 Fourth: 24-16

Victoria without the game that got in Segovia last Saturday in a game where we were very clearly from more to less.

In the first quarter showed that we were much higher, did a good job but all the good of the party stayed there in the first room that we went with an income of 14 points, then we were like a balloon when the air escapes.

The second quarter started the problems for us, our base was made with 4 fouls which limited her work a lot on defense and on offense we were not very successful but still won the quarter but only by 2 points.

In the third quarter we continue with the faults and problems that now is our pivot which is placed with 4 fouls, their pressure after the basket is getting stronger and is costing us out of it and we give 1 point in this room.

The last quarter was one of the worst played all season, very Light on defense, misplaced, precipitates failing attack many entries and short shots, without being able to control the pace of the game we got into the dynamics of running and running and that led us to have A big loss this quarter, the pressure now if it was really overwhelming and made us lose several balls in a row, as a result of all this we lost the last quarter of 8 points. In summary

bad game where we got the victory, well deserved for the game of the match but by the work and effort throughout the week.
Congratulations to the boys for the win, I encourage you to continue working and the next game.


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