Saturday, September 8, 2007

Spots Of Blood On Knickers

The purpose of this blog, it is surely that we need a greater or lesser extent humans to communicate.

will try to offer a grain of sand on the diffusion of some ideas of others rather than own, hoping to have the power to enrich your blog.

response to record the legendary series X, and its maximum, the truth is out there, I dare say that everything is inside, inside of us and especially our head.
We each of us interpret the world, according to our biology and our personal experiences.

response to the quote attributed to Archimedes, give me a fulcrum and I will move the world.

axiomatic basis of the principles of logic, identity, contradiction, excluded middle and sufficient reason.

If you think there is kick off this blog and I I propose the following:
Original ideas are rare, especially our thinking, according to Professor Miguel Martinez Minguelez tells us that "it appears that the great play of our cognitive process is played primarily at the language level, the level of large dominant metaphors. "

words in response to the reason for the law of least effort, cognitively act looking for meaning in our own ideas trying to fit these situations already experienced, it's like going to a math problem, when we made him the teacher school and to consult the book before own reasoning to solve it, we wanted a problem and solved it, and change only the given data, to reach a solution.

Furthermore syncretism Hegel offers us a synthesis based on a thesis and its corresponding antithesis. Can we describe this synthesis as the original reasoning?
propose from here and from these lines, based on reflection, exposing the contradictions that surround us.


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