Monday, September 10, 2007

How Fast Does The Borgatti Go In Quarter Mile

undermine the spirit of the rule to completely distort

I have not go to the capital by car, almost every time I do I have to go by public transport, but this time I had to take a package a bit tricky and I decided to go private car.

I was surprised to get a ticket for the blue and looking at the prices I was surprised that the parking limit is no longer than 2 hours, if there already were issued tickets for a full day.

The origin of the criterion for establishing blue zones correspond to the principle economist Lionel Robbins defined and reads:

Economics is the science that analyzes human behavior as a relationship between given ends and scarce means that have alternative uses.

At first the blue areas had a sense of rotation, so where were most crowded areas, which coincided with the most commercial areas as stated in the definition could have alternative uses, ie, parking is scarce, repartámoslo so that we can use them all, and a measure to limit the time it is and implement a fee, among other things to pay the driver in a sanctioned deterrent if outclassed us time. I still remember some years ago, although even these areas were completely free limited parking, and had some cards that were placed on the windshields of cars which included the time that the vehicle had been parked. This free passage to pay, until then even according as the car park had increased considerably and in this way to control feasible schedule for the reasons above.
But the surprise is that now you can leave your car as long as you want, so if you pay, which the principle of the rule is completely distorted, it is no alternative use, it is a lease of public space, and as always in these cases only benefits that you can afford.

I completely agree with taxes and fees, provided that after a just redistribution of income, and thus fit, if possible, to further secure the area of \u200b\u200bjustice and freedom. Otherwise we would be facing an assault by armed forces, the end of the double taxation is the same concept, one for the road tax, then for parking the vehicle, unless the administration understands that parking is not outstanding, but then ... What must be understood by the highway code when, during the same rules governing the stops and parking lots?

I can understand and accept that no taxes can hardly exist in civil society today. Not even I am against the income of the blue zones were included elsewhere, but maintaining the original spirit for which they were conceived.

why this practice hurts the blue zones have been distorted by a government that says left-wing, "progressive? If, in this case to the highest peaks of the joke, frankly that makes it a right-wing government and there is some consistency. Here's the first hint of intervention in the Blog concerning Archimedes and the principle of contradiction.

This already looks like Orwell's Animal Farm when Napoleon laws erasing and rewriting goes up as he wants. . Distorting the spirit of the law to falsify completely. Hello


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