Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dualit Coffee Machine

vicissitudes of a tripartite?

As I prepare the next entry that refer to the term dignity, advance a product, that fueraparte to agree or disagree, is one of those articles which serve to enrich our ideas. Perhaps the tripartite

found on occasion to such vicissitudes.
The text is extracted from the ethologist Frans de Waal to Alfonso Fernández Tresguerres collation in his article concerning: Coalitions, political and chimpanzees published in the magazine section Catoblepas Filosofia.org.

In the eighties, the ethologist Frans de Waal released an interesting study entitled The policy of chimpanzees. The title, so we just said, it is surely excessive: in chimpanzees there can be no politics. In any case, the group of chimpanzees studied by three adult males Waal is locked in a constant struggle for power. Luit is the alpha male, Nikkie Yeroen beta and gamma. That means that Luit can dominate any of the other two individuals, although not dealing with a coalition between them, Nikkie, meanwhile, can dominate Yeroen, but not Luit, finally, Yeroen is doomed to be third, but that, paradoxically, makes him the most influential of the three, because both Luit and Nikkie have to earn it as an ally if you want to gain power. So Yeroen strength lies in the fact that their performance can decide who will lead the group (key, they say in our political slang). Finally, the "weak" Yeroen decides to give its support to Nikkie, but always threatening to leave him and establish a coalition with Luit. It is the "dictatorship of the third party" and agasagado courted by the other two, he is really in charge, who dominates the others by one, with the threat to dethrone, the other, with the coquetry of the desired woman that delivered unfinished, promises, however, endless sweetness.

personally prefer a wider range of opportunities, ie a range between 5 and 9 games, to give space and opportunity in this way to minorities.
With the current proposal for governing the largest party, we would certainly a flawed two-party system without interruption.

Best regards to all

Monday, September 10, 2007

How Fast Does The Borgatti Go In Quarter Mile

undermine the spirit of the rule to completely distort

I have not go to the capital by car, almost every time I do I have to go by public transport, but this time I had to take a package a bit tricky and I decided to go private car.

I was surprised to get a ticket for the blue and looking at the prices I was surprised that the parking limit is no longer than 2 hours, if there already were issued tickets for a full day.

The origin of the criterion for establishing blue zones correspond to the principle economist Lionel Robbins defined and reads:

Economics is the science that analyzes human behavior as a relationship between given ends and scarce means that have alternative uses.

At first the blue areas had a sense of rotation, so where were most crowded areas, which coincided with the most commercial areas as stated in the definition could have alternative uses, ie, parking is scarce, repartámoslo so that we can use them all, and a measure to limit the time it is and implement a fee, among other things to pay the driver in a sanctioned deterrent if outclassed us time. I still remember some years ago, although even these areas were completely free limited parking, and had some cards that were placed on the windshields of cars which included the time that the vehicle had been parked. This free passage to pay, until then even according as the car park had increased considerably and in this way to control feasible schedule for the reasons above.
But the surprise is that now you can leave your car as long as you want, so if you pay, which the principle of the rule is completely distorted, it is no alternative use, it is a lease of public space, and as always in these cases only benefits that you can afford.

I completely agree with taxes and fees, provided that after a just redistribution of income, and thus fit, if possible, to further secure the area of \u200b\u200bjustice and freedom. Otherwise we would be facing an assault by armed forces, the end of the double taxation is the same concept, one for the road tax, then for parking the vehicle, unless the administration understands that parking is not outstanding, but then ... What must be understood by the highway code when, during the same rules governing the stops and parking lots?

I can understand and accept that no taxes can hardly exist in civil society today. Not even I am against the income of the blue zones were included elsewhere, but maintaining the original spirit for which they were conceived.

why this practice hurts the blue zones have been distorted by a government that says left-wing, "progressive? If, in this case to the highest peaks of the joke, frankly that makes it a right-wing government and there is some consistency. Here's the first hint of intervention in the Blog concerning Archimedes and the principle of contradiction.

This already looks like Orwell's Animal Farm when Napoleon laws erasing and rewriting goes up as he wants. . Distorting the spirit of the law to falsify completely. Hello

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Spots Of Blood On Knickers

The purpose of this blog, it is surely that we need a greater or lesser extent humans to communicate.

will try to offer a grain of sand on the diffusion of some ideas of others rather than own, hoping to have the power to enrich your blog.

response to record the legendary series X, and its maximum, the truth is out there, I dare say that everything is inside, inside of us and especially our head.
We each of us interpret the world, according to our biology and our personal experiences.

response to the quote attributed to Archimedes, give me a fulcrum and I will move the world.

axiomatic basis of the principles of logic, identity, contradiction, excluded middle and sufficient reason.

If you think there is kick off this blog and I I propose the following:
Original ideas are rare, especially our thinking, according to Professor Miguel Martinez Minguelez tells us that "it appears that the great play of our cognitive process is played primarily at the language level, the level of large dominant metaphors. "

words in response to the reason for the law of least effort, cognitively act looking for meaning in our own ideas trying to fit these situations already experienced, it's like going to a math problem, when we made him the teacher school and to consult the book before own reasoning to solve it, we wanted a problem and solved it, and change only the given data, to reach a solution.

Furthermore syncretism Hegel offers us a synthesis based on a thesis and its corresponding antithesis. Can we describe this synthesis as the original reasoning?
propose from here and from these lines, based on reflection, exposing the contradictions that surround us.