Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Container Ship Scale 1/87

News Bible Study in Viña del Mar

To our distinguished readers, we report that within a couple of days we will publish a paper with a summary of what has been the recent International Pastors Bible Study carried out in our Evangelical Church Pentecostal

Viña del Mar. In addition, this article will available to download files of the topics discussed at a meeting of Dorcas, daily summaries of the Centennial Commemoration Program of Revival, developed over the week by Polyphonic Choir, and some photographs that account for such a wonderful event, which was marked throughout by the great presence of the Spirit of God.

Of course, we thank our eternal God for giving us the opportunity to host the Olympics. The blessing of our God rest upon every brother and sister who devoted his efforts and his time serving the Lord this week.

God bless you richly.

IEP Viña del Mar


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