Tuesday, October 27, 2009

German Sheperd Eating Rabbits

International Pastors Bible Study - 11 to 18 October 2009

As had been previously announced, between the days 11 to October 18 just past, was developed in our Evangelical Pentecostal Church of Viña del Mar International Pastors Study Bíblcio organized annually our mission. This year also in a very special, are celebrated 100 years since the occurrence of the Pentecostal Revival in 1909, a spiritual movement that gave birth to our church.

The study began the day early hours Sunday 11 in the morning with the visits and accreditation of participants. Since previous days had been observed in the precincts of the temple great movement for the preparations being made brothers of the Congregation of Viña del Mar, who would attend during the week and servitude. That morning of Sunday 11 different sections began their day with a devotional, calling for God's help and His holy presence to carry out big job. Thus, the reception of visitors was expected with eagerness and enthusiasm. It would be a beautiful week to share in God's presence. That Sunday night, began with the opening meeting, which has already been felt greatly presence of God in the hearts of everyone present. He had come to dwell among his people.

On Monday 12, at 09:30 hrs. took place in the front of the temple on Civic Act, which, in addition to the pastors and visitors present in the study, attended the Mayor of Viña del Mar, Mrs. Virginia Reginato, the rabbi of the Jewish Community of Valparaiso, Mr. Efraim Rosenzweig, the evangelical Navy chaplain, pastor Rene Ojeda, and some other officials who accompanied the ceremony.

That night, during the general meeting, he initiated a program to Commemorate the Centennial of Revival, which looked a historical journey from the people of Israel to the origin of the Revival of 1909 and the birth of the Pentecostal Evangelical Church, a program that was developed throughout the week by the Polyphonic Choir.

The meeting of Tuesday 13 will forever be a memorable night, a night that will remain etched in the minds of all attendees as a marvelous and sublime moment in which the manifest presence of God was felt in all hearts, descending like a warm blanket and moving, recalling the origins and development of the people of Israel throughout the centuries. The initial sound and penetrating the "shofar", claiming upward, and calling the "Shma Israel" ("Hear, O Israel"), the lives of all attendees were handed over by the real and deep conviction that our eternal God is "one, and He, and He alone is God." Praise His name!. Then, remembering the unspeakable suffering of the Jews during the Nazi Holocaust, the entire campus gathered in a silent moving to hear the sad and heartbreaking song "Eli, Eli" ("Lord, Lord"), sung during 2nd. World War by the Young Jana Senesh behind bars before being shot in the concentration camps. Wonderful moment that culminated with the "Hatikva" ("The Hope"), the national anthem of Israel, crying in the hope of peace he longs for every Jew there is a day on Zion and Jerusalem, and was later sung by all attendees.

no doubt that wonderful night that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was present among their children, will be unforgettable. That moment of profound and serious reflection and emotion marked a week in the holy presence of God's Spirit was noted at all times. He was with his people.

The following days continued with regular sessions throughout Bible Study, developed during the morning and afternoon meetings of pastors, and at night the general meetings, which continued Commemorate the Centennial program, which described the birth of the early church, the Reformation movement, and the great historic revivals over the centuries.

It is further specific mention, that during the days Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, were presented during meetings of pastors' wives, developed in the Church of Quilpué, three issues of great importance and current life contingency of the church concerning marriage and raising children, issues that were followed with great interest by the sisters in attendance, and that certainly was a great blessing and spiritual teaching for the church today.

The meeting on Friday, again marked a unique and unforgettable recalled the birth of our church. At the emotional and act solemene recalled the difficult moments that went through the pastor Willis Hoover, when, in the glorious manifest presence of God's Spirit in the midst of the church, had to accept the inevitable departure of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and urged by his wife before the call to "eat bread ... but we were left with ...", Chileans came to his congregation to the hills of Valparaíso, where he sang" Oh, tell me where your flock will graze " . Beautiful reminder that culminated with the singing of "Hallelujah to the Lamb of God "chorus inspired by the Holy Spirit during the revival the pastor Daniel Venegas, and the anthem" You, in whose presence, "sung by the Polyphonic Choir of the church in Viña del Mar.

also have participated in the study Pastors Choir, who also sing in the general service in the evening, made a preaching service at the Hospital de Viña del Mar, and the choir of children of pastors, who sang in Sunday's closing meeting.

is how quickly, and after having spent a wonderful week of fellowship in the Lord, the Holy Spirit of God beautified every moment, every word and every act done, arrived on Sunday 18. During the afternoon there was the traditional parade in the Plaza O'Higgins, attended all visits, which also participated the Polyphonic Choir of Viña del Mar. In the evening was closing the meeting, a meeting that was marked by the presence of God, to put its stamp of approval on everything done. And also marked by the sadness of parting. In particular, when he made his entrance to the temple all the servants who attended during the week to visitors. That beautiful moment of joy and thanksgiving to God for the hard but rewarding work, was completed by the fervent chanting those present, who spontaneously took up handkerchiefs in the air to greet and respond to the easement that gave his work to the Lord.

No doubt this past week will be unforgettable, both for the brotherhood of Viña del Mar, as for all the visitors present, who might enjoy fellowship of God's presence and the attention paid to the host church esemeró is to offer its visitors. May God reward with rich blessings from above to all who volunteered their time and effort, "looking at the target of the high calling, and waiting to please that called us."

Before concluding this brief summary of Bible Study, remember the timeless words uttered on the lips of Moses, there in the middle of barren desert, revealing the unique and supreme deity of God over all creation:

"Shma, Israel
Adonai, Adonai
Eloheinu echad"

"Hear, O Israel The Lord our God
The Lord is one"

this eternal and almighty God, who brought the people of Israel with a mighty hand of Egypt, who rose from his seed to our Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ, who led his church over the centuries and still continues to accompany the faithful remnant distributed throughout the face of the world, or honor, everlasting glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Director Coro IEP Viña del Mar

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Container Ship Scale 1/87

News Bible Study in Viña del Mar

To our distinguished readers, we report that within a couple of days we will publish a paper with a summary of what has been the recent International Pastors Bible Study carried out in our Evangelical Church Pentecostal

Viña del Mar. In addition, this article will available to download files of the topics discussed at a meeting of Dorcas, daily summaries of the Centennial Commemoration Program of Revival, developed over the week by Polyphonic Choir, and some photographs that account for such a wonderful event, which was marked throughout by the great presence of the Spirit of God.

Of course, we thank our eternal God for giving us the opportunity to host the Olympics. The blessing of our God rest upon every brother and sister who devoted his efforts and his time serving the Lord this week.

God bless you richly.

IEP Viña del Mar