Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tech Deck Replacement Trucks

the 31 th Anniversary of the Choir and 1

This month is an important month for the Polyphonic Choir of the Pentecostal Evangelical Church of Viña del Mar, as it is your anniversary month. And this time the chorus plays a year of life since it would start its first trial in 1977.
Like other years, this time the choir has performed some special activities during the past week to commemorate this important event, why the On Thursday afternoon there was a simple reception which was held this new year of the choir. It was a very enjoyable activity, which was shared with joy and enthusiasm of those present in some special activities.
In turn, this Sunday just past, during the general meeting held at the central church of the Evangelical Pentecostal Church in Viña del Mar, the Choir had a cameo, where he made a historical journey through the different stages the Choir has gone through, especially in learning the repertoire and the various activities and products recorded the choir has been performing throughout his career, activity was framed by the clear presence of the Holy Spirit of God, which over time has been confirmed and strengthened this beautiful choral activity.
However, from last year, this month also meets another important feature concerning the choral activities since the May 7, I think this space has been the gateway to the virtual world our choir , and more importantly, the means of reaching thousands of souls scattered in various parts of the world through this space have had access to beautiful praise to God sacredness.
It is our great honor and a great responsibility, being able carry out this blog, and maintain in the future of our business, and even more sharing going along this year, thoughts and reflections to show our concern for the reality that every day we are seeing around us. Last year the choir was proposed as its goal to expand its reach and expand its potential mass reach via the Internet, and over the months we were noticing the tremendous need out there, especially at the start to receive regularly a lot of emails and messages that made us feel the gratitude for this space, and a burning desire to share material, thoughts and help in the expansion and dissemination the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that in that sense, this space has satisfactorily completed our initial proposals. Furthermore the following sections we create, as the download section where we're coming up from time to time musical material into tracks and scores for free use for Christian choirs.
is also important to remember that once the Forum played an important role in communication and transfer of knowledge and opinions on choral activity and other topics of Christian interest. Although over time the forum took a different path, which led us to decide idependizarlo this space, believe that once was an important area for Christian gathering and coral.
After our first year on the network, we can say with great satisfaction and joy that we are completely sure that God is here with us, and if anything in this space has been a blessing to many people, because the powerful work of our God continues. And his word, according to his promise never returns empty. That is why we can not fail to praise and glorify our God for His love and goodness that he chose us, we have reached with his mercy, and today can be a place of blessing for those who access it.
quieremos also warmly thank everyone who has supported this initiative with his words of encouragement, your prayers, in his contributions on material written or otherwise, and all those who in one way or another have made this space remains still valid. God will reward each slaughter.
We invite you, as well as they did up here, continue to accompany us during this new year we started networking. Continue to bring with reflections, with material in the download section, and other activities that we will be announcing throughout the year.
God bless you all richly
IEP Viña del Mar


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