Monday, April 13, 2009

How To Unclog Frigidaire Dishwasher

"Moments in the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ" Coral

On Sunday 12, as had been predicted by this method, our choir presented at the Evangelical Pentecostal Church in Viña del Mar, Easter Oratorio "Moments the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of Luis Alberto Miller and Lester, which describes the highlights of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ.

In pre-service schedule, the choir performed evangelistic work in the sector temple near the shops, where invitations were handed out and sang two hymns, by way of inviting passersby to participate in the choral presentation.

The presentation itself was marked by the presence of many people who first arrived, and whose moments are recalled with awe and gratitude the redemptive sacrifice of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, being without doubt one of the most beautiful moments of the last supper table, where our Lord describes the new covenant through his body and blood as an offering of atonement.
We thank our God for allowing once again able to meet a beautiful journey through which we can announce the world the way of salvation for man. God bless all the sacrifices and efforts made on their behalf, especially youth and women who helped prepare hard for installation of the work.

Soli Deo Gloria

IEP Viña del Mar

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Buchanan's Scotch Commercial

Week Presentation Santa

This coming Sunday 12 April, the Polyphonic Choir of the Pentecostal Evangelical Church of Viña del Mar, will perform a special choral presentation on the occasion of Easter, opportunity which shall, in addition to alluding corals, an oratorio titled "Moments in the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ", which will be dramatized. We

a cordial invitation to everyone who can attend this wonderful activity, which invites us to remember with awe, the atoning sacrifice of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

Service begins at 19:00 pm at the church before dimension, whose address is: 14 North # 1355. For further queries or information, call the phone 32-2971080, or write to our e-mail address:

God bless

Director Coro IEP Viña del Mar